An international team of researchers discovered that curved lines in interior design activate the same part of the brain responsible for perceiving the beauty of human faces. Research results It was published In the journal Scientific Reports.
Psychologists have long established that curved and smooth lines evoke more pleasant emotions in most people than angular lines. This observation applies to everything from facial features to architecture. Moreover, this feature is typical for people of different nationalities and ages, including babies. However, this tendency is much less pronounced in people with autism spectrum disorder.
Scientists from universities in Canada, Spain, Germany and the UAE conducted an experiment involving 70 people. Subjects were shown 100 indoor photos containing curved and straight lines, and their brain activity was evaluated using fMRI. Volunteers were asked to rate the images based on criteria such as curvature, angularity and aesthetic appeal.
The analysis showed that the fusiform gyrus in the brain, which is responsible for the perception of faces, was activated only when participants rated the beauty of the interior with curved lines. In other cases this area remained passive. Scientists have concluded that the aesthetic perception of the interior is of the same nature as the pleasure received from the perception of faces.
Scientists had found these words before activate hidden brain processes.
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Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.