Head of Rosmolodezh Grigory Gurov telegram channel He condemned the behavior of Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory Sergei Uraikin, who shouted at volunteers cleaning up the consequences of oil pollution on the Black Sea coast.
In this video, the deputy minister was angry because of the video published on January 11 in which volunteers were forced to leave the bird rescue center. It’s on the record talkingThe one who “accepts” everyone he sees near him with his phone. The man calls on the volunteers to stop speculating, mocking people and causing panic across the country. Using profanity, he says that such actions can lead to a heart attack, asks if everything is fine in their head, and also reports that “he flew here at 180” (probably we are talking about speed. – socialbites.ca “).
“What happened in the Krasnodar region is unacceptable. “We will not allow shouting at the volunteers who spend all their holidays at the #WETOGETHER headquarters, cleaning the Black Sea coast from the consequences of oil pollution,” Gurov wrote.
He also stated that the work of volunteers should be approached with respect and gratitude.
On December 15, tankers Volgoneft-212 and Volgoneft-239 crashed into the Kerch Strait. According to emergency services, the incident resulted in the spillage of approximately 3.8 thousand tons of fuel. spilled To the Black Sea.
formerly ecologist warnedIt is stated that some of the fuel spilled into the Black Sea may rise to the surface in the summer months.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.