St. About 90 flights were delayed in St. Petersburg as Pulkovo airport suspended its operations twice. This has been reported Telegram-canal transportation city’s prosecutor’s office.
The Ministry stated that inspection activities continue at the airport and a mobile welcome center is operating. In addition, transport prosecutor Roman Terentyev will go to the site and check how citizens’ rights are respected during the cleaning of the runway.
On the morning of January 12, Hurricane Charlie paralyzed Pulkovo’s operations. According to online services, more than 20 flights were canceled and more than 30 planes were diverted to alternative airports due to severe bad weather. The airport was expected to resume operations after 9:15 Moscow time. However, the restrictions have been expanded. As a result, the airport accepted the first flight only at 13:30 Moscow time. Then back to the airport suspended work For 1.5 hours. A second break was needed so that airport staff could return the runway friction coefficient to normal.
Passengers from Moscow had previously received news on the plane “terrible sound” and refused to fly to Dubai.
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Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.