You can check your lung health at home using simple tests that assess your respiratory function. These include climbing stairs quickly, taking deep breaths and the stopwatch method, Albina Rakhmatullina, a therapist and cardiologist at the Fomina Clinic, told
“If a person can run up two flights of stairs quickly without taking a rest break, this is an indication that lung function is good. You can also test your lung function by taking deep breaths. Smooth, steady, controlled breathing that promotes calm and relaxation, without tension or pain, indicates optimal lung function,” the doctor said.
You can also use the stopwatch method. To do this, take a full breath and hold it for a second. Then, open your mouth slightly and exhale as hard and fast as you can.
“This action should completely empty the lungs, meaning that there should be no air left to deflate in them within 4-6 seconds. If the exhalation takes a long time, it means that the air flow is blocked or restricted,” the doctor said.
It is also important to monitor the symptoms, the appearance of cough or cough, difficulty breathing, sputum – all these symptoms require consulting a doctor.
“These methods can give a general idea of the condition of the lungs, but for a correct assessment of the health of the respiratory system, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination,” the doctor said.
Formerly a doctor in the name Dangers of herbal cough syrups for children.
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Source: Gazeta
Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.