The decision on judicial control over Telegram founder Pavel Durov is lenient; he probably did not fully admit his guilt, but expressed his readiness to cooperate with the investigation. This opinion was expressed by lawyer Maria Yarmush, an expert in international law. RIA Novosti.
According to him, such a decision will not complete the investigation itself. He believes that the court released the Telegram founder from custody because he did not fully admit his guilt, but expressed his readiness to assist in the investigation. Yarmush suggested that Durov could promise to help solve the crimes committed in Telegram.
Durova was detained Getting off a private jet at Le Bourget Airport in France on the evening of August 24. The entrepreneur arrived in the country from Azerbaijan.
In the French police stated The businessman was accused of refusing to cooperate on cyber and financial crimes on Telegram, Reuters reported. They added that Durov was under investigation by the national cybercrime and fraud departments.
On the evening of August 28, a Paris court convicted Pavel Durov of six counts of crimes, including refusal to cooperate with intelligence services, cyber fraud, complicity in the distribution of drugs and child pornography via Telegram. Durov was placed under judicial supervision: he was released on bail of €5 million with the obligation to report to the police twice a week. He is prohibited from leaving French territory. More details in the material “Newspapers.Ru”.
Formerly Durov’s lawyer appreciated Accusations against Telegram’s founder.
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Source: Gazeta
Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.