Symptoms of long-term testosterone deficiency in men were named by Doctor Loktev: a decrease in muscle mass indicates a long-term testosterone deficiency 11:23

Testosterone deficiency in men is called male hypogonadism. A prolonged decrease in hormone levels is manifested by a decrease in muscle mass and body hair, as well as hot flashes. Artem Loktev, a urologist at the Fomina Clinic network, told

“Loss of muscle mass and body hair is less common and may not occur for more than a year or even several years when testosterone levels are low. Hot flashes only occur with severe testosterone deficiency and a rapid decline in its levels. Often the deficiency manifests itself with nonspecific symptoms such as bad mood, sleep disturbances, decreased performance and libido, erectile dysfunction and fatigue,” Loktev said.

According to the doctor, the development of androgen deficiency can occur at any age, but the prevalence of hypogonadism increases with life, because normally the level of testosterone in men gradually decreases, but this process is not sudden and usually continues until the age of 80.

“The main reasons for the development of hypogonadism are concomitant diseases such as obesity, diabetes, as well as a general deterioration in health for various reasons. Hypogonadism is especially common in people with type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other pathologies,” he said.

Formerly a doctor It has been saidAt what age should cancer screening be done?

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Source: Gazeta


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