In the winter, a Moscow student, Vladislav S., left his classes and disappeared. The next day, it was reported that he was detained in the Bryansk region for attempting to cross the border of the Russian Federation and join the Ukrainian terrorist organization. Telegram channel “Attention, news.”
On January 15, social networks appeared messages about the disappearance of 20-year-old student Vladislav S., who was last seen in the Ivanovskoye district of Moscow. It turned out that he was detained in the Bryansk forest near the Russian-Ukrainian border on the evening of January 16. The teenager was detained.
“He was accused of crossing the border illegally and after his arrest, a case was opened for preparation to join a terrorist organization,” the report said.
According to the channel, the materials of the criminal case were submitted to the military court in August. Vladislav is now in the Bryansk pre-trial detention center. He faces up to 20 years in prison.
In early July, the Crimean Supreme Court ruled in absentia Convict Up to 21 years in prison in a maximum security colony for a resident of Yalta in case of treason. It was established that the man joined the ranks of Ukrainian troops after the start of the Russian military special operation in Ukraine, received training, received weapons and has been fighting against Russia since then. He was put on the international wanted list.
Previously Russian accepted He was sentenced to seven years in prison for trying to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
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Source: Gazeta
Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.