Head of Kremennaya city administration Vyacheslav Tretyakov telegram channel He reported that the city’s power was cut off as a result of three attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
“Today our city came under fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. “The power line that provides energy to the city and surrounding villages was damaged,” he wrote.
As a result, according to Tretyakov, the power of the entire city was cut off and about 12 thousand subscribers were left without electricity. Work continues to repair power lines.
He added that the same morning, a store in the city caught fire due to Ukraine’s kamikaze drone attack.
May 24 energy company “Ukrenergo” warnedIt was stated that if the consumption limits previously transferred to all regions are exceeded, planned power outages may occur throughout Ukraine starting from May 24. According to the operator, there is a shortage of electricity in the country’s energy system.
Previously in Ukraine saidThis helps prevent a complete power outage.
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Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.