Another edition, the opening of “Menjars de la Terra” in Las Marinas was a turning point innovation inside gastronomy. The star product, “Níspero de Callosa d’en Sarrià”, a product with a Protected Designation of Origin, did not disappoint as we were able to try both. sweet and salty dishesand of course thanks to the cooperation of the Regulatory Council. Her versatility And featuresIts carotenoid content, which aids in a healthy tan, makes it stand out as a “beauty fruit.”
We arrived on time at the Mercure hotel, which hosts the Malaspina restaurant that hosted the first day of Menjars, and had the chance to listen to the sound checks. At first it seemed like that… but you thought it couldn’t be possible: Real Madrid anthem! I don’t know if any culés raised the alarm, but they quickly turned into the brave bull from El Fary! With these precedents, everything had to go well. That’s what the hotel manager was there for. Luis Torre, leads by example and carries boxes with his shirt rolled up. It’s next door and the friends of Bocopa are giving it their all. Victor Lopez front and those of Marcos Tonda, Emilio Quer and María Llorca.
I’m so proud Juan Antonio Tolon, Inmaculada Lucas and Salvador RuizRepresentatives of the hotel management thanked for the success of the event, which brought together nearly a hundred guests.
And it is great to see people following “Menjars de la Terra” across the state. The first people we meet Pilar Gómez and Óscar GonzálezFrom Elche, he participated in the most popular gastronomy events of the province for the third time. In Onil they already know all the restaurants so María Ángeles Martí and José Rico They decided to open their palates to innovations like those offered by Malaspina restaurant. And what a memory! They remembered very well the dishes they had tried in Banyeres or Elche.
The fun table they created Miguel Ángel Villar, Mari Ángeles Ripoll, María Luisa Eggers, Santiago González, Juan Jover and Fuensanta MartínezThose who came from the capital to taste the menu of chef Roberto Atzeni’s team.
a special mention for Francisco Gimenez (84 years old) and Maria Sánchez (He looks much younger than his age, this remains a secret as I promised him) came from Petrer to try the new menu. What a life lesson…! I want to be like them when I grow up!
Another group created by Juan Vicente Espasa, Vicente Montiel, José Ramón Pérez And Isidro SeguraThe president and members of DOP “Nísperos de Callosa d’en Sarrià” were very pleased that everyone tasted with love the meal they prepared for us with these fruits.
Guests enjoyed cocktails and the magnificent terrace of the Mercure hotel. Like Senator Agustín Almodóvar. And like the councilors of Benidorm City Council Lourdes Caselles, Jaime Jesús Pérez, Ana Soliveres and Juan DíazThis is the last council member of the Presidency and, in his own words, the person who was there “from the renewal of the curtains in the ‘bathroom’ to the presentation of the maritime museum”. A cracker in every sense, especially the humour!
Also present at the event were the Highways Deputy and the Mayor of Benisa. Arturo Poquet; Ciriaco Clemente, Martín Sanz and María Tuesta Hydraqua; Emilio Quer And Maria Llorca (Marcos Tonda), María José Marcos Fuster (Cyma), Rosa Baldo (Llorca Group) were lucky enough to celebrate their birthday at the event! or siblings José Manuel and Josefa Martínezand lawyer Jaime Llinares.
After finishing the magnificent menu, I quote a dear dining companion: “I am a second generation vegan. “The cow eats the grass, and I eat the cow.” Until next time, diet for a few days in between if possible!
Source: Informacion

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.