when we talk about medicinal plants we often think of flowerless species. However, there are some that add aesthetic benefits to their medicinal properties. That’s how it is San Juan grass (Hypericum perforatum). This species is also known as Hypericum, Rose of St. John anyone little heart. It is a very grateful plant because with very little care it will look beautiful in your home and will present you with its beauty every summer. yellow flowers They are born in small clusters. It is also a perennial herb and is long-lived. 25 years in a pot.


  • Beautiful white flower that will naturally scent your home for weeks

  • A maintenance-free plant that will fill your home with flowers

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At home How is John’s wort grown?

For growing St. John’s Wort you only need one at home vase with a good drainage system, to prevent the roots from flooding. As for the substrate, since then you can use any. not a sensitive plant. The best time to do this is early spring.

st. John’s wort has rather yellow flowers. pixabay

How to care for St. John’s Wort?

it is very plant easy to maintain If you follow these simple tips.

to this plant loves the sun So you can place it in any well-lit place in the house. It can grow in full sun or partial shade, so place it near a window.

this irrigation It is practically the only care this plant needs. You should water twice a week in the winter and three or four times a week in the summer.

You don’t have to pay for this facility, but if you decide to do it, you’ll make it. more flowers. If you decide to do this, the best time is in the spring and with a natural fertilizer like guano or banana peel.

st. John’s Wort flowers are born in clusters. pixabay

You don’t need to prune this plant, but doing so will help it grow stronger. This way you can remove drier and wilted stems and flowers so the plant can focus on new ones.

What is St. John’s Wort used for?

This beautiful plant has an undoubted use. decorative but it also has medicinal properties.

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st. What effects does John’s wort have?

Among its medicinal uses San Juan grass emphasizes its use. antidepressant and to improve self-esteem. It has also been used since ancient times as a wound healer and for sleep disorders. However, for these uses it is better to take hypericum already in capsules and consult your doctor first.