this San Juan grass (hypericum perforatum) is a small shrub with showy yellow flowers. Undoubtedly, besides its decorative value, medicinal plant and also known as Hypericum, Rose of St. John anyone little heart. Although it gets its most popular name at the end of June, especially when it blooms around June 24, when San Juan is thought to have been born. This little shrub can be grown at home, in a pot or in a pot and if you give it a little love, it will thank you every summer for its beautiful and showy appearance. yellow flowers born spread in small bouquets. Also, it is quite a perennial herb and is perennial. 25 years in a pot.


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How to plant St. John’s wort in a pot

To stitch San Juan grass you only need one in a pot vase have a good drainage system, to prevent water from accumulating and filling the roots with water. As for the substrate, you can use any type of soil. not a sensitive plant in this sense.

The best season to plant St. John’s wort is early spring.

st. John’s Wort needs care

St. John’s Wort is a beautiful plant. easy to maintain. You just need to consider some recommendations regarding where you should place it in the house for the watering it needs and for its proper growth.

St. John’s Wort blooms in clusters pixabay

this irrigation That’s all you have to worry about with this plant. It needs a lot of moisture, so you should water it three or four times a week in the summer. In winter, twice a week is enough.

to John’s wort loves the sun So you can place it anywhere in the house as long as it is well lit. It’s the perfect spot near a window, as this plant can thrive in both full sun and part shade.

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st. Medicinal uses of John’s Wort

As we mentioned earlier, this plant also has a medicinal use. It is a powerful antidepressant and is used to raise self-esteem and sleep better. However, you should consult your doctor before consuming it.