It is an ideal time to enjoy our summer vacation. pet outdoors, but it’s also the time most prone to suffer from heatstroke, even more so heat wave We have been suffering lately. dogs and cats They are much more sensitive to heat than humans.. The first regulates excess heat by: breathlesswhile sweat is eliminated through their pads paws. Cats maintain their body temperature by licking themselves. Also, you should not forget that heat increases the presence of ticks and you should check your dog often.

Tips to avoid heatstroke

  • avoid walking with dog It is better to do it first thing in the morning or afternoon during the hottest hours.

  • Always have clean and fresh water available. pet.

  • It is best to feed him early or late in the day.

  • this Pets they should be in a ventilated place and if they are on the street a shady place.

  • Traveling by car: It is important that the car is well ventilated and stopped as needed so that animal took off.

  • It is recommended that you allow cats into rooms with tiled floors. In addition, we should brush more often as they balance their body temperature by licking themselves.

Animals are more vulnerable to heat Getty Pictures

heat stroke symptoms

heatstroke, heat animal It exceeds 42ºC. This causes our pet to have the following symptoms:

  • Your breathing is rapid or labored.

  • Due to the lack of oxygen in the blood, the gums take on a bluish tint.

  • Loss of strength: no desire to move.

  • muscle tremors

  • Changes in saliva.

What to do in case of heat stroke

if we detect that our pet has heat strokewe have to follow the following steps:

  • It is best to transport it to a service immediately. Veterinary Clinic.

  • Move it or make the space as fresh and airy as possible.

  • Apply cold to the head, neck, groin, and armpits. We can also submerge it in water at around 20ºC.

  • try to make him drink waterbut in moderation.