Russians began to use the services of mechanics more often 03:00

At the end of November, Russians’ interest in handyman and housekeeping services increased noticeably. This is shown by a study conducted by the Pro service, the results of which were reviewed by

Thus, the demand for the repair of household appliances in November increased by 38% compared to the last week of October, while Russians demanded more services from cooks and domestic helpers by 29% and 27%, respectively.

For example, Russians were interested in plumbers by 29%, electricians by 31%, furniture repair by 32%, while door repair and installation increased by 33%. Demand for appliance repair experts increased the most in the DIY category, up 38%.

They started calling dog walking services 8% more often. At the end of November, demand for cleaning professionals increased by 19% and cleaners were sought 26% more often. Among domestic staffing services, the most notable increase in interest was recorded for caregivers (+27%) and cooks (+29%).

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Source: Gazeta


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