At least 13 people died in a fire at a hostel in Kazakhstan

At least thirteen people, Four foreigners, among them, died in a fire that broke out this Thursday in a hostel in Alma-Atá, the largest city in Kazakhstan, local authorities reported.

“Thanks to the measures takenThe fire was extinguished at 06.22 (00.22 GMT)” and stated that 13 bodies were found during this operation.

The burned area reached: 30 square meters, according to the official note.

According to preliminary data, when the fire broke out There were 72 people in the hostelIncluding citizens of Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Russia and other countries.

Among the dead are: nine Kazakhs, two Russians and two UzbeksAccording to Emergencies.

Police started an investigation criminal case to clarify the causes of the tragedy.

Source: Informacion


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