Government gives good news, confirms its predictions this week pension increase from next 2024. According to the estimates of sources affiliated with the administration, the increase in pensions starting next January will fluctuate around 4 percent and will become certain when the year-end CPI data is known.
In parallel with this announcement, the Ministry of Participation, Social Security and Migration also published the report.and ‘Public Pension Expenditure Projections in Spain’, where the planned increases for next year are announced. pension with and without additives.
Under non-contributory pension, ministry calculations foresee an increase of up to 300 euros per year. a specific group of beneficiaries.
Increase in pensions in 2024 confirmed
With the approval of the government A 4 percent increase in pensions is expectedAccording to calculations by El Periódico de España, it is estimated that the minimum pension could reach 14,453 euros per year: 926.2 euros more per year. Another 2 percent increase will be added to this increase in 2025.
More than 300 euros per year
As reported in the above-mentioned media, the aim of the authorities is to reduce the widow’s pension. Between 300 and 500 euros from 2024.
Using the government’s planned 4% as a reference, Widow’s pension with family responsibilities They would remain at 942.13 euros; over 65 years of age or with a disability greater than or equal to 65%, 814.42 euros; 761.90 euros for those aged 60-64; For those under 60, it is 617 euros.
In this amount, no matter who it is, starting from 2024 beneficiaries An annex is being added for widows’ pensions and also for them to be able to show that their careers have been affected by the gender gap.
In addition to widow’s pension Reducing the gender gap will also be updated to the CPIthat is, it will reach a 10% increase in 2024, according to El Periódico de España’s forecasts.
If these predictions are indeed confirmed, widow pensionsEntitlement to additional benefits due to gender difference They will vary between 30 and 35 euros per month: a total of 490 euros per year.
Source: Informacion
James Sean is a writer for “Social Bites”. He covers a wide range of topics, bringing the latest news and developments to his readers. With a keen sense of what’s important and a passion for writing, James delivers unique and insightful articles that keep his readers informed and engaged.