Hermann Tertsch participated in the anti-amnesty radical protest and tried to intimidate a journalist

Journalists once again had a rough night at the anti-amnesty protest in Ferraz de Madrid, Madrid. In addition to the homophobic attack of which a laSexta reporter was the victim, Member of the European Parliament Hermann Tertsch tried to intimidate a journalist from ElPlural The person who approached him to ask questions about the rally he attended.

Tell your boss you’re really miserable. Rubbish. You have a garbage middle and a garbage boss. (Enric) Sopena is your boss. Sopena owns this shit“said the VOX public official, while receiving applause and cheers from other participants for his remarks towards the journalist from the said media.

This tense moment did not continue there as Tertsch took the microphone and continued to insult the journalist and his media: “You are a complete coup plotter.“.

“Don’t touch the microphone, Don Hermann,” the ElPlural reporter said, before asking the VOX MP if he was happy with what he said. “Yes, of course. Do you want more?“Tertsch responded to the journalist before other participants at the rally shouted ‘get out, get out.’

Tertsch’s words sparked various reactions. Macarena Olona, ​​former VOX colleagueHe posted a tweet about this issue on Twitter (This is how it is now known. It is a rude and grotesque situation. If it is not condemned, it is accepted).

Source: Informacion


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