HE spatifylIt is also known as the cradle of Moses, the flower of peace, the lily of peace, or the flower of cupid. One houseplant incredibly easy to maintain And perfect for beginners in the horticultural world. Squirrel (Spathiphyllum wallisii), originally from the Amazon rainforest, resistant plant can live for years with proper care. Today you have a The complete guide on how to take care of your Bucket for bushy and healthy growth.

Espatifilo: Discover the Secrets of the Plant that Purifies the Air in Your Home Image by Deanne Scanlan from Pixabay

Espatifilo: A Purifying and Elegant Herb

In addition to its resistance and ease of maintenance, squirrel a purifying plant Recognized by NASA as one of the top five for purifying the air. Ideal for keeping in your home or office, this evergreen plant stands out for its elegance and ability to decorate any space. The dark green lanceolate leaves and white spathe-shaped flowers make a perfect and attractive contrast.

The Ultimate Care Guide for Your Spoonbill: Keep It Blooming All Year Long FREE

Basic Care for an Enthusiastic Sandpiper

In order for your duckbill to develop and grow beautifully, certain steps must be followed in its care.. Next, we detail the main points to consider for the care of your spatifilo:

  • ideal location: Slippers prefer bright rooms that do not receive direct light, especially during flowering. Avoid exposure to sudden temperature changes and keep the plant where the temperature does not drop below 15°C.
  • Moisture: Squirrel is a moisture-loving plant. Spray the leaves with warm water from time to time, avoiding wetting the flowers. You can also place the pot on a plate with moist pebbles so that the plant can benefit from the evaporation of the water.
  • Irrigation: During growth and flowering, water your spatiphyll at least twice a week with soft (lime-free) and chlorine-free water. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings during colder months to allow the plant to rest.
  • Fertilization: Apply a high potassium fertilizer every 20 days to encourage continuous, lush flowering.
  • Pruning: Cut off dried flowers when they begin to turn a dark brown or yellow color to encourage flowering.
  • Common problems: If your squirrel’s leaves are loose, soak the pot in water for 10 minutes and then let it drain the excess water. If not blooming, check the care provided and transplant into a larger pot if necessary.
  • reproductive: Spring is the best time to propagate squid, separate a part of the plant with at least two or three leaves and cut the roots corresponding to that stem with a sharp and disinfected knife.
  • Post-reproductive treatment: After cutting the rhizome, it is recommended to apply a high-spectrum fungicide to increase grip and prevent the new plant from dying. Next, place each rhizome in a pot with substrate in a shaded area with an average temperature of 21°C.

Espatifilo abroad: a good combination?

Despite It is preferable to keep the spoonbill indoors, it can be grown. external as long as the climate is mild and not exposed to frost. Place it in a shaded area where it receives indirect light. If you decide to grow your squid in the garden, it can coexist perfectly with other plants of similar height and in the shade of taller trees.

Espatifilo: How to Care for the Plant that Makes Your Air and Life Better? Diego Delso

Espatifilo Flowering: When and How?

With proper care, spoonbill can bloom year-round, especially in spring and summer.. To promote continuous and lush flowering, it is recommended to apply a high potassium fertilizer every 20 days. Also, a new bloom is encouraged by cutting the dried flowers.

In conclusion, Squirrel is an ideal houseplant for beginners and experts alike. Its resistance, beauty and ability to purify the air make it an outstanding choice for any home or office. With proper care of Spatiphyll, you will be able to enjoy its growth and flowering for many years.