First country to say goodbye to cash payments

Fewer and fewer people are paying cash. It is enough to go to any supermarket checkout or a bar counter to see what the users are doing. credit card or mobile too much to pay. Also, like other digital payment methods our even cryptocurrencies They are slowly being established in some places in our country. Other European countries are far ahead of us in this regard. So much so that there is even someone who thinks about forgetting money in 2023. Can you imagine what could happen?

The country that can forget money in 2023

One of the most developed countries in terms of new payment methods Sweden. Cash use in the Scandinavian country is already quite limited today and could be even more for next year.

A customer withdraws money from an ATM. Efe

The truth is that Sweden has always been a pioneer in economic matters. it was not in vain first country in the world to print banknotes. It was in 1661 and was issued by the Bank of Stockholm.

Sweden became the first country in the world to print banknotes for payment. EUROPEAN PRESS – ARCHIVE

A lot has happened since then, and now the use of banknotes and coins on Swedish soil is almost a reference. As the Swedish Central Bank explains on its website, in recent years there has been a great reduction in the use of traditional payment methods. If in 2010 39% of its population used notes and coins to pay for their purchases, in 2020 that rate was just 9%. And even less last year (just 7%). Thus, data is expected to continue to dwindle until it becomes almost anecdotal in 2023.

Marion LaboreAn analyst at Deutsche Bank Research has already highlighted this possibility in an article entitled. “A cashless society: one small step for Sweden, one giant leap for payments”.

Sweden has always been ahead. Payment methods. In addition to issuing the first banknote, they were also pioneers in the use of paper money. credit and debit cards. If they continue this trend, Swedes may be the first to stop paying for their purchases in cash.

The next question that arises is whether the Scandinavian country will be the first of the others. Although the trend seems to be a gradual increase in digital payment methods, the reality is that cash is still the majority in many countries, so everything indicates that it will take many years for this trend in Sweden to transform. a global phenomenon.

Source: Informacion


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