On January 1, 2023, the day third presidency Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva still seems far away in Brazil. Jair Bolsonaro to complete three weeks of silence almost a monastery. The impossibility of reelection drove him to the greatest of his disappointments. a skin type disease on one leg known as erysipelasand subsequent hospitalization for abdominal pain deepened his isolation. retired captain it’s a ghost and all eyes focus on what the man is saying or keeping quiet transition teamin the middle of the first Sparks between Lula and the marketsnot failing to express, discomfort by the leader’s decision Labor Party (PT) to fulfill election promises and increase public spending to guarantee social programs In a country of 33 million people hunger.
Before the second round, Lula himself “financial responsibility“. The victory in the polls allowed him to talk about it too “social responsibility“. Also, although voted to “govern for all”, priority is manage for those who need it most“. The message to the money world was clear. “Why is it always said that expenses should be cut? Why is the social problem not discussed with the same seriousness in this country?” Danger bells began to ring.
budget brake
The ex-unionist heads a rigidly diverse government and centre-right forces however a constitutional amendment to finance programs, especially some 110 euros per month to the millions of Brazilians in need. When the president was impeached by Congress in 2016 Dilma RousseffAt the same time and hastily, a norm was passed obliging any government to update the national budget at slightly above the previous year’s inflation. If Lula wants to retain the benefits that Bolsonaro has provided for electoral reasons alone, he needs some. 20,000 million dollars far right and those not considered in the 2023 accounts approved by the legislature. Incoming officials are trying to solve the obstacle. according to the carioca newspaper or the worldBy 2026, the “PEC (reform) of transition” could produce “consecutive deficits” and “problem” in the coming years, such as more borrowing, rising inflation and declining investment. Vice President Election Geraldo AlckminCongress will have the final word on the proposal, the coordinator of the change of government on behalf of Lula said in a statement this Friday. But PT knows that cannot afford to start the third presidency with a defeat. He needs two-fifths of the votes of both houses to avoid a misstep.
For now, the change is being negotiated, with the name of the future Economy Minister unknown. The boundaries between moderate programmatic aspirations and reality have also been put to new test. guido mantegaLula’s former Finance Minister, who in recent years has functioned as an unprecedented custodial power, was forced to leave the transition team due to negative market reactions.
military factor
Twenty years ago, after winning his first election, it took more than a month for Lula to announce the first names of his ministers. But then, the transition was much smoother. Minister Fernando Henrique Cardoso He was the permanent addressee of the man who would take his place. This does not happen in present-day Brazil. Bolsonaro’s was a civil-military administration. The Armed Forces occupied the Department of Defense, from ministries to multiple State secretariats as well as managing it. Aloizio Mercadante A former Lula minister, who commanded the transition teams, assured that, as in past efforts of the PT, the new government will appoint a civilian to this strategic portfolio. same happens Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) had been captured by Bolsonarismo. However, the media does not rule out that Lula may change his mind about the role he can give to uniformed officers. Mercadante himself, a “corporate problem“With the Armed Forces, which needs to be resolved shortly.
For Lula, the military front is no longer a front. Last Wednesday, thousands of right-wing extremists again took to the streets to ask for help from the uniformed people. coup This cancels the result of the elections and the presidential inauguration on January 1. Prior to the recent Bolsonarist mobilization, the armed establishments were far from condemning these post-election blasts that caused chaos on the roads and reaffirmed the Bolsonarists’ status as head of state. “Moderators at the most important moments in our history”, a way of signaling that their role has gone beyond the barracks. The ambiguity of the text did not go unnoticed by anyone.
Source: Informacion

James Sean is a writer for “Social Bites”. He covers a wide range of topics, bringing the latest news and developments to his readers. With a keen sense of what’s important and a passion for writing, James delivers unique and insightful articles that keep his readers informed and engaged.