A new tool that monitors Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, expose fake numbers may not declare the actual amounts of pollutants released into the atmosphere. It also provides detailed data on Major polluting industries in Spain.
About the digital platform Climate Tracepromoted by former US Vice President Al Goremade it known by taking advantage of the COP27 in Egypt. The first thing Climate Trace reveals is really disturbing: The actual emissions into the atmosphere are about three times higher than those responsible have declared.
In the case of Spain, on this website A full list of GHG emission points is displayed detailing the location, the nature of the facilities, the amount of emissions and other data. There is also a breakdown by type of gas and industrial activity and is comparable to other countries on the planet. There are 260 epidemics in total in our country.
Inside this is the other linkit can be viewed as a map of Spain or the planet as a whole, offering a global vision of the magnitude of the emissions problem.
Climate Trace makes it possible to measure the actual levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases as they are released, thanks to up-to-date technology provided by satellites and other information and artificial intelligence systems. IT for the first time, countries don’t have to rely on data provided by themwhich do not always report real figures and tend to underestimate emissions.
This new system, which also received the support of the UN, monitors emissions from 72,000 specific sites worldwide, including all kinds of industrial, energy, transportation, city, port and airport facilities. Not surprisingly, oil and gas production sites and facilities are the main sources of polluting emissions.
The initiative came from a group of labs and research organisations, companies and NGOs, but it also provided funding from Google. Al Gore noted that “the emissions data currently available are not detailed enough to be used in decision-making”.
In fact, in the specific case of Saudi Arabia, there has been a large discrepancy between emissions declared by its government and those measured empirically using the new system. “Emissions higher than declared”In a statement to The Guardian, Climate Trace will serve to “guard against the traps” that some world leaders or companies in the industry are still setting when reporting emissions, Gore said.
Spain is the world’s 33rd exporter
In the case of Spain, Climate Trace identifies, one by one, the main sources of emissions into the atmosphere and these include: all kinds of factories and industries (cement plants first of all), but also airports, ports or livestock farms.
The Mediterranean coast, north and centre, although spread across the country, especially in Andalusia, seems to bring together most of the polluting hotspots in Spain.
Spain, in the world ranking of greenhouse gas emitters, It ranks 33rd on a list of 240 states. Our country causes 0.55% of all global emissions on the planet.
The largest global emitter remains China with a share of 28% The United States, with 11.4 percent of all gases released into the atmosphere each year; India with 6.9% and Russia with 6%.
Contact address of the environment department: crizclimatica@prensaiberica.es
Source: Informacion

James Sean is a writer for “Social Bites”. He covers a wide range of topics, bringing the latest news and developments to his readers. With a keen sense of what’s important and a passion for writing, James delivers unique and insightful articles that keep his readers informed and engaged.