“Barbos” is one of the first extra tasks in the game Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, with which players can get acquainted with the world and mechanics of the game. In this leadership we will describe the passage of the search in detail, so that you can successfully complete it and get all possible rewards.
How you can get through the Quest “Barbos”
The search will be available immediately after the protagonist comes out of the pads in Treskovitsa, but we do not immediately recommend starting him. First you need to get equipment and weapons, because you have to do a lot of actions and fight with a considerable number of enemies. But about everything in order.

Go on the map for the marker and go along the path on the other side of the lake to meet a wanderer. It will be unfriendly, but you can try to talk to him and spread peacefully. In our case this did not work, I had to fight the bandit.

Ask a herbalist about a dog
Not far from this place there is a Boshena house, who recently came out of the main character after a fight with bandits. Go to her and talk. She did not see the dog, but she will give a tip, who can know what happened to her. If you ask what happened to her, get an extra quest “Bad Blood”.
Ask for the dog in the tavern
After a conversation with a herb, two extra activities appear at the same time. We recommend skipping a conversation with De Visser because he is quite far from the starting position. Instead, go to the crust nearby in the North.

Tell Korchmaru that you have lost a dog. He will kindly ask to visit a shepherd, who has been visiting a herd of wolves for a while. Maybe the dog was attached to the peloton.
Ask a shepherd from Kopanina
The meadow of the shepherd is far in the north of Relov, so you have to walk a bit. You can steal a horse to save time during a trip. Talk to the shepherd on arrival and learn about his problems with the wolves.
Advice: Earlier we recommend that you stock up on carrots, because without this you cannot give orders to the LAM.
King a herd of wolves
Agree to accept the ram as a bait and take it to the birch on the slope. Throw the root on the ground so that the animal stays in place. Otherwise the RAM will continue to follow the main character.

Hide in the bushes in the neighborhood (you must click on the action test when the inscription appears in the top right corner of the screen) and wait for the arrival of the wolves. Fight the Mongrels so that the animals stop disturbing the shepherd.

To ask the cracker
The shepherd will not provide valuable information, but he will advise you to go to a local lover. A suitable icon appears on the map – it is located west of the meadow.

Arriving at the place you will not find a cracker. Talk to his wife and then with your son instead. If you skip the second point and find Voislav yourself, the tasks in the following markings do not appear on the map. If we agree to help the wife of a cracker, the search of the “employee” (lacky) begins.

Ask the Cleep, where to look for a lost dog
When you find the Voislav and help him bring the horse back, go to his hut. Immediately after the end of the “employees” quest you will not be able to talk to him. You will have to wait about six hours while the deal gets better.
Save the dog

After receiving new information about the missing dog, a marker appears in the southern part of the map. This is the last place where you can find a dog, it is just to get there. Along the way you can meet robbers and wolves, so prepare for a trip in advance.

You have to go to the hollow of wolves on a hill between the forest. Two paths lead here, you can choose one. Ultimately, when you are in the neighborhood, katsen begins. Now you have to choose: give the battle to the wolves or run away. If you select the first option, you can find a visited scale in a small cave.

Other guides
Source: VG Times

Christina Moncayo is a contributing writer for “Social Bites”. Her focus is on the gaming industry and she provides in-depth coverage of the latest news and trends in the world of gaming.