Fashion & Entertainment

Poplavskaya’s husband contacted after she was hospitalized 13:24

Yana Poplavskaya's husband, radio host Evgeny Yakovlev reported: telegram channel The actor who is still in the hospital. Yakovlev was hospitalized with a concussion after being attacked in a car accident. ...

The “Master and Margarita” star talked about how her self-confidence could drop because of the bag 12:43

Actress Yulia Snigir admitted in one of her speeches: SoundSomeone who gets complexes when he wears the wrong clothes. According to Snigir, when events combine incompatibly, his mood deteriorates and his self-confidence...

Anna Semenovich complained about health problems in Sochi 12:06

Singer Anna Semenovich complained about her health problems on Instagram (the owner of the Meta company is known as an extremist and is banned in Russia) while on vacation in Sochi. Semenovich...

Chanel No. Journey to the heart of 5

<!-- he wants". 95% of Grasse's jasmine production goes to Chanel. “Without them and due to the stifling real estate pressure a few years ago, their cultivation would have disappeared,” says...
