Last summer, all the attention was focused on Pavel Durov. And not only on him custody On August 24 in France, also about her personal life. At the end of July, a woman named Irina Bolgar, living in Switzerland, announced on social networks that she was raising Durov’s three children and had been living with him for a long time. In the following months, she regularly made statements in which she made claims against Durov and even hinted that she wanted Telegram to be recognized as jointly acquired property. The appearance of Irina Bolgar in the media space and the arrest of Durov, accompanied by 24-year-old Yulia Vavilova, increased public interest in the personal life of the usually private founder of Telegram.
His wife and two children from the student community
Daria Bondarenko
Telegram channel “sometimes not”
According to Forbes, in 2021, two children of Pavel Durov were included in the list of the richest heirs of Russian billionaires. “The founder of the social network VKontakte and the Telegram messenger has two children – a daughter and a son, born in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Parents carefully hide information about themselves.” wrote Durov’s fortune was estimated at $17.2 billion in 2021, with a potential $8.6 billion for each of his two children.
Later, journalists learned that daughter Alina and son Mikhail were born in the marriage of Pavel Durov with Daria Bondarenko – they met while students at St. Petersburg State University. Daria, who studied at the history department of the university, came to Durov, a student of the philology department, to interview him for the faculty newspaper “Studen” – the girl was his editor-in-chief. According to media reports, Bondarenko lives with her children in Barcelona. There is no official information about their relationship, the date and reason for the separation, as well as their children, online.
Unregistered marriage and three children
At the end of July 2024, Swiss resident Irina Bolgar announced on social networks that she was raising three children from Pavel Durov. In her article and subsequent interviews with Russian media, she explained that she did not understand why her children were mentioned in the press as Durov’s older children, but information about them was not provided.
“I did not advertise information about our family because I did not want the public to pay more attention to me and the children. For the same reason, I did not maintain social networks. Now that the children have grown up and are starting to ask questions about why there is no information about them on the Internet, unlike the two older children of their father, I decided to bring this information to light,” said Irina Bolgar. RIA Novosti.
The woman claimed that she lived in an unregistered marriage with an entrepreneur in St. Petersburg from 2013 to 2017. From this relationship were born Leah (born in 2013), Daniel (born in 2016) and David (born in 2017). All of them bear the surname Durov, and the documents state that the billionaire is the father.
Pavel Durov did not comment on Irina Bolgar’s statement, but reported on his Telegram channel that he became a sperm donor 15 years ago and now has more than 100 children in 12 countries.
Pavel Durov and Irina Bolgar with children
missbolgar/Instagram (owner, Meta company is known as extremist in Russia and banned)
Following this, a scandalous story began to develop – Durova, the alleged mother of three children, complained that the billionaire refused to support her unofficial family. According to her, this happened after Durov demanded that Bolgar and her children move to the United Arab Emirates.
“At the end of 2022, Pavel Durov gave me an ultimatum to force me to move to the UAE against my will. But he did not invite me to move to Dubai with him. At that time, our personal relationship was actually cut off due to a series of events that occurred in 2021-2022,” Bolgar wrote in one of his posts on social networks.
After she refused, the entrepreneur allegedly blocked her from accessing her bank accounts, where she was entitled to spend $150,000 a month, stopped paying her bills, cut off her communications and did not even allow her to renew immigration documents for her children. information The media accused Durov of physical violence against his youngest son.
“This left me with no choice but to first contact the Court for the Protection of Children and Adults in Geneva so that I could urgently renew the children’s administrative documents on my own. <...> “Geneva initiated an investigation conducted by the guardianship authorities, as a result of which it was decided to deprive Durov of his parental rights in relation to the children,” Bolgar said.
Now the woman continues to make statements – for example, the other day she wrote on social networks that she considers the Telegram messenger to be jointly acquired property. According to Bulgarian, even if the marriage is not registered, in some cases he can claim his share.
“From a legal perspective, in some countries, unregistered relationships are considered official marriages in terms of property rights. In other countries, official recognition of de facto marriages is possible. Thirdly, under civil law, you can claim a share of jointly acquired property,” she said.
Irina Bolgar’s last wish today is to introduce the children to their grandfather, Valery Durov, whom they never knew.
Model from Hungary and her pregnancy
Diana Bako
dianneprincesse/Instagram (owner, Meta company is known as extremist in Russia and banned)
The name of another possible girlfriend of Durov – model and blogger from Hungary Diana Bako – appears in the posts of Irina Bolgar. The woman believes that the entrepreneur cheated on her with Bako in Dubai, while she was in the hospital with her child. Confirming this fact, Bolgar cites a photo from Diana’s social networks, where you can see a teddy bear, allegedly from her daughter Leia.
In mid-July 2024, the model published a photo with a rounded belly, provoking rumors that Pavel Durov will have another child.
Blonde at Le Bourget airport
Yulia Vavilova
julivavilova/Instagram (owner, Meta company is known as extremist in Russia and banned)
When Pavel Durov was detained at Paris Le Bourget Airport on August 24, 2024, he was accompanied by a blonde woman identified by social media users as Yulia Vavilova, a Dubai-based publisher and crypto coach. She appeared alongside the entrepreneur in photographs taken by paparazzi on the streets of Paris after her release from custody.
According to SHOT, the crypto coach began dating the entrepreneur in the spring of 2024. Diana Bako told the channel that her romance with Durov began to crack around the same time, and they had a fight in April. Vavilova allegedly became the entrepreneur’s new friend after Bako told her about her breakup with Durov and her pregnancy.
According to media reports, Vavilova has been living in Dubai for the past two years – previously she lived in the Chertanovo district of Moscow.
Other models and Timati’s ex-girlfriend
Pavel Durov is known to have had affairs with many other models. Portal Marie Claire in particular, the name of the Serbian model Katarina Pudar was mentioned – rumors about her relationship with the entrepreneur spread in 2014. Then the girl took part in a photo project dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the VKontakte network. They said that the entrepreneur showed increased attention to her and was seen several times with Pudar in an informal setting.
Durov also appeared in public with model Helga Lovekatey, whose real name is Olga Korobitsyna. However, it is not known what kind of relationship he has with the girl.
Helga Lovekaty
helga_model/Instagram (Owner of Meta company is known as an extremist in Russia and banned)
However, Alena Shishkova, who is still called Timati’s ex-girlfriend, claims that she has no romantic relationship with Durov, despite the rumors.
Alena Shishkova
missalena.92/Instagram (owner, Meta company is known as extremist in Russia and banned)
Indeed, in 2018, she began to appear in public frequently in the company of the billionaire and even went with him to Paris (she signed a joint photo on social networks with the phrase “Everything is complicated” against the background of the Eiffel Tower). But this year, in an interview with Nadezhda Strelets, Shishkova said that it was a joke and that she and Durov were not a couple.
“We never had a relationship. We just walked around and talked together. We had fun together. He is a closed person like me. He especially sat in front of his laptop and worked. Sometimes it can be interesting to remain silent towards a person,” he said.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Calvin Turley is an author at “Social Bites”. He is a trendsetter who writes about the latest fashion and entertainment news. With a keen eye for style and a deep understanding of the entertainment industry, Calvin provides engaging and informative articles that keep his readers up-to-date on the latest fashion trends and entertainment happenings.