“Fashionable Sentence” Presenter Alexander Rogov Telegram channel A trend called white shorts that resemble “men’s family briefs.”
The stylist said that shorts that resemble men’s underwear are “gaining popularity among fashionistas around the world.” According to Alexander Rogov, this wardrobe item is combined with T-shirts, jackets and blouses. As for shoes, you can combine these shorts with slippers, ballerinas and sneakers.
“I like this approach, to be honest! But above all it requires courage and recklessness!” – added the TV presenter.
Recently, stylist Rogov named The most fashionable shoes of the summer. The expert advised to buy boat shoes – shoes made of textile or leather. Alexander Rogov noted that this model was originally designed to be worn on the deck of yachts, but now Hollywood stars wear it on the streets.
Recently, the presenter of the program “Fashionable Sentence” mockery Lady Gaga’s photo. Alexander Rogov published photos in which the American singer poses in a white torn dress with alien elements, and Katya IOWA in a blue jumpsuit with a top.
Previously on social networks discussed Boots with hooves like the donkey in Shrek.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Calvin Turley is an author at “Social Bites”. He is a trendsetter who writes about the latest fashion and entertainment news. With a keen eye for style and a deep understanding of the entertainment industry, Calvin provides engaging and informative articles that keep his readers up-to-date on the latest fashion trends and entertainment happenings.