Comedian, actor and businessman Mikhail Galustyan was compared to Pavel Durov after losing weight. He shared the photo on Instagram (its owner, Meta, is known as an extremist in Russia and is banned).
The 43-year-old artist posed in a tight black T-shirt, sweatpants and grey clogs. Galustyan also said the photos were taken during his trip to Colombia. Fans were delighted with the comedian’s appearance, comparing him to Pavel Durov.
In the comments to the photo they wrote: “At first it seemed like you were Pavel Durov”, “You look better than Durov”, “You look great”, “What a uniform”, “Handsome”.
Galustian in May acceptedHe said that after quitting the barbecue, he lost 14 kilos. According to the artist, up to a certain point he did not pay much attention to his diet, but recently he decided to give up heavy fatty meats in favor of light chicken. As the comedian notes, until he switched to proper nutrition, he had no idea that healthy food could be delicious and varied every day.
Earlier Mikhail Galustyan presented May 9 song.
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Source: Gazeta

Calvin Turley is an author at “Social Bites”. He is a trendsetter who writes about the latest fashion and entertainment news. With a keen eye for style and a deep understanding of the entertainment industry, Calvin provides engaging and informative articles that keep his readers up-to-date on the latest fashion trends and entertainment happenings.