Alma Gormedino He started studying acting at the age of 18, but his career journey includes amusement parks, weddings, baptisms and congregations, micro theaters and bars. When they stopped hiring her as a waiter, she says, they asked for her ID right before she took the exam. Potential employers who saw him, even with a name other than his own, told him not to bother: they wouldn’t trust him to avoid problems. The people who did this were the production company Suma Content. Thanks to the program Job placement for trans people from LGTBI+ State Federation, Yes we do tranceand is one of the six actors who portray the main characters of the documentary Vestidas de azul in his own Atresmedia series of the same name. It tells the story of six trans women in Spain in the early 80s.
Yes We Do Trance LGTBI+ is a program of the State Federation for the participation of transgender people in socio-labor and also offers support to companies to achieve a successful start-up. It is a pioneering experience in the country that aims to reduce The employment rate of these people reaches 80%.
According to UGT data, it takes transgender people more than three years on average to find paid employment. It’s an average that rises significantly with each generation from age 30 onwards, and the Department for Equality has already said it will work with the Department of Labor on a specific plan for workforce participation for this.
television representation
With these plans and visibility in the audiovisual world, they want to put an end to this disadvantage they have been experiencing for decades. “We’ve gone from not existing for society to people already talking about us. Because when you don’t talk about something, it doesn’t exist.It’s important that we continue to be represented in TV, movies, and culture at large.“says Gormedino.
The series takes the story that Antonio Giménez Rico told 40 years ago and tells what happened to the women who survived as much as they could so that others could live. Inside dressed in blue, In the series created and produced by Javier Ambrossi and Javier Calvo (Javis), the public is reunited with the writer Valeria, who tells the story of Cristina’s life. Poisonand with some characters in this series, for example Piranha Paca.
The actress also appears Chloé SantiagoAlong with Gormedino, he met with representatives of Atresmedia, Suma Content and the LGTBI State Federation, stressing the importance of creating trans references on television and working for their employment. “He argued at the meeting how important it is for trans people to appear not only on television but also in programs.”normal jobs like other people“. Gormedino recalls that eight out of 10 people did not know the people in the group.
“Many people only know us through hearsay, perhaps due to the hoaxes and misinformation that arose when the LGTBI+ law was passed, and they have an alienated vision of who we are. Or what will happen to us? Therefore, it is important to bring visibility to our daily lives through cinema and television, because they offer formats that will allow us to empathize and get closer to our daily lives in the comfort of our homes. These are very useful channels for social pedagogy,” argues the Labor Relations member. Niurka Gibaja.
less income
The Federation explains that it is precisely the lack of pedagogy, knowledge and prejudice that is the source of the obstacles and discrimination that many trans people face when looking for work. According to the 1st report on the socioeconomic situation of LGTBI+ people, prepared by the 40dB research agency for the LGTBI+ State Federation, more than 70% of households of transgender people earn less than 2,000 euros per month. Additionally, they earn an average annual income of €19,957, while the average income of the general population is €32,216.
Therefore, they state the importance of this socio-labor placement program. Besides Alma The production company also hired three more professionals. Yes we do trance Working in make-up, production, editing and post-production. He ensures that the Federation offers support in both profile search and selection, raises awareness among teams and ensures that inclusive language is taken into account, starting from the scenarios. “This is what we’re here to do matches “This is a very necessary success between the company and the employees,” they say.
For your part, Montse GarciaAtremedia TV states: dressed in blue There was a large percentage of the technical team in trans, so “in addition to the important message this cut sends, this project also serves to create new voices that have a story to tell in the audiovisual panorama.”
Source: Informacion

Calvin Turley is an author at “Social Bites”. He is a trendsetter who writes about the latest fashion and entertainment news. With a keen eye for style and a deep understanding of the entertainment industry, Calvin provides engaging and informative articles that keep his readers up-to-date on the latest fashion trends and entertainment happenings.