When buying fish, you need to pay attention to the condition and smell of its scales, eyes, mouth, gills. Lyudmila Rumyantseva, food technologist from “Lots of Salmon”, told socialbites.ca.
According to the tech expert, the scales need to stay tight.
“The surface of the fish should be flawless, with only minor damage. High-quality fresh fish scales should have a natural color, shine and hold tightly, without traces of mucus. Stale fish can also have a dull surface and the scales may fall off and become unstable,” Rumyantseva explained.
The expert added that the mouth of the fish should be closed.
“Fish should be considered stale if it is cracked or exposed,” he said.
According to the food technologist, the fish’s eyes should be clear and protruding, its gills should be red, it should fit tightly to the body and not have an unpleasant odor.
“If the gills are gray, mucous or have a dark brown color with an unpleasant odor, this may indicate that the fish is stale,” Rumyantseva explained.
He concluded that the freshness of fish can also be determined by its smell.
“Fresh fish should have a pleasant marine smell, clean water or be almost odorless. “An unpleasant fishy smell may be a sign of a stale product,” warns the food technologist.
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Source: Gazeta
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