Ekaterina Mizulina, President of the Safe Internet League (SLI), on her Telegram channel in the name The action of the mother of eight-year-old square Maryana was correct. A woman filed a complaint with the police against Mia Boyka after the singer insulted the girl on stage.
“The blogger not only did not apologize to the child, but also continues to make fun of him on social networks. I am ready to provide any support to the family. Including paying for the services of a psychologist, if necessary,” said the social activist.
The LBI president stressed that the organization filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office against the artist due to the incident.
The incident with eight-year-old Maryana happened at one of Mia Boyka’s concerts. The singer invited a girl with a cat mask on stage and asked: “Are you a quadruped, God forbid?” She confirmed that she was into quad sports. The singer then asked why her fan was acting like a cat, since she was a “beautiful girl.”
Later, internet users condemned the artist’s behavior, believing that he was acting unethically. The singer himselfanswered to the accusations, criticizing quadrobers. He published a screenshot from the article, which allegedly characterized the aggressive and antisocial behavior of representatives of quadrobers.
Earlier comedian Andrey Airapetov statedHe feels like a foreigner in Russia.
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Source: Gazeta
Brandon Hall is an author at “Social Bites”. He is a cultural aficionado who writes about the latest news and developments in the world of art, literature, music, and more. With a passion for the arts and a deep understanding of cultural trends, Brandon provides engaging and thought-provoking articles that keep his readers informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings in the cultural world.