Mother of TV presenter Victoria Boni Galina Ivanovna filed a lawsuit against plastic surgeon Maxim Ivanchuk. In this regard reports Telegram channel Mash with a link to its source.
Ivanchuk had previously performed plastic surgery on Bonet, charging between 20 and 250 thousand euros for the operations. Like Boni, the 68-year-old woman underwent surgery at a medical clinic in the UAE. The woman underwent chin liposuction, facial skin tightening and blepharoplasty, but after the intervention, visible scars remained, tissue necrosis began, and the woman lost the ability to move her neck.
Other doctors in the UAE said that Galina Ivanovna would need a skin graft. Ivanchuk explained the complications due to the patient’s age and hormonal imbalance; he offered to fix the work done for free, but Bonya refused. The amount of damage is estimated at 195 million rubles. It was announced that the doctor can work without a surgeon’s license and rent space in a local clinic. Ivanchuk said that if he does not provide the necessary documents for official work, he and his assistant will face criminal prosecution and will be deprived of the right to practice medicine for life.
On the eve of Bonya statedHe said that after Ivanchuk’s surgery, he also started having problems with his face.
Bonya for the first time before showed Mother’s face after unsuccessful plastic surgery.
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Source: Gazeta
Brandon Hall is an author at “Social Bites”. He is a cultural aficionado who writes about the latest news and developments in the world of art, literature, music, and more. With a passion for the arts and a deep understanding of cultural trends, Brandon provides engaging and thought-provoking articles that keep his readers informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings in the cultural world.