Happy ending: What “Sex Education” taught us The last season of the “Sex Education” series was released on Netflix 13:26

Well, let’s hand in our record books: the “Sexual education” course (or “Sexual education” as we call it not quite correctly) is completed. Over the course of the series’ existence, Netflix streaming has managed to come and go officially in Russia, and a good half (if not more) of the topics covered in the series have been revealed to be illegal. The latter, of course, makes writing a farewell text very difficult, but an exam is an exam.

In the final season, we find our heroes in difficult (albeit simple) times. Otis (Asa Butterfield) and Maeve (Emma Mackie) practice long-distance relationships, which becomes especially difficult when the only lustful teenagers around are getting into each other’s panties. On the other hand, they are trying to survive in the competitive environment. At the same time, Maeve, who is enrolled in courses in the USA, is faced with an unexpectedly conservative approach to teaching (Dan Levy plays a much more unpleasant character from the even more unpleasant series “Idol”, and in the frame is Maeve, who died of tuberculosis at the age of 11, She chides Mackie’s text about Emily Brontë’s older sister, Maria Brontë, whom she played in “Emily” between seasons three and four; such a commodity). Otis and the other Moordale kids, on the other hand, find themselves in a ridiculously progressive school and at first feel out of step with progress (in reality, of course, things aren’t so ideal there).

It’s weird even to remember today: We seem to have experienced a similar daze in 2019, when we found ourselves in the “Sex Education” universe for the first time. This series was a truly safe space: it gave a reliable sense of comfort and security. In his private world of deliberately blurred place and time markers that seem to combine modern England with the interior decoration of a John Hughes film, he wasn’t so alone. At the same time, the show (and last season is no exception) was quite harsh on most of its inhabitants (by the way, towards the end they became noticeably less) and therefore on the viewer – to be honest, partially equal It is gratifying that this series finally stopped breaking our hearts.

But still: what did it teach us?

First, the fact that Zoomers isn’t actually beyond sex: In a way, the series became the anti-Euphoria (the series Zendaya debuted on HBO six months later), completely changing this emerging narrative.

Secondly, the fact that it is important to be yourself at all costs – even if nothing is clear in this life. Who are you – perhaps the most important question and its answer must be found. And all the characters on “Sex Education” were looking for him in one way or another for four seasons (funny how there was a full-blown search operation in the final episode of the show). That’s why they were so much like real people – even if they were extremely funny, even if they grew (entirely on purpose) from stereotypes, common tropes and clichés (a virgin nerd, a homosexual with a ruptured ulcer, a gay man). best friend, a bully homophobe, himself sitting in the closet, etc.). And that’s exactly why it was so interesting to watch how the series pitted them against each other, and new social connections were formed from the resulting sparks (surprisingly, by the way, Maeve and Gillian Anderson’s heroine only meet for the first time in the second half of the final season).

Third, it’s great to be kind, compassionate, and attentive to each other. “Sex Education” can be divided into a small “good comedy” subgenre if one wishes, along with “Ted Lasso”, “Schitt’s Creek”, “Not at the First Try”, “Heart Tremors” and other similar shows. All these series, one way or another, boil down to the fact that, with very rare exceptions, there are no completely bad people in the world. This is, of course, an extremely naive idea and perhaps extremely far from reality. But it is also extremely soul-saving and therefore extremely necessary.

“Sex education” certainly did not leave the world better than it was before it arrived. But it has certainly been tried. She should probably give him credit for that.

She’s a shy and complicated virgin who gives advice about sex. Who would have thought that the episode about a speech therapist with “editing flaws” played by Rolan Bykov in the comedy “For Family Reasons” could be turned into a wonderful youth series.

Netflix has released the fourth season of “Sex Education” (also known as “Sex Education”), one of the most popular series in the streaming service’s library. Film critic “socialbites.ca” Pavel Voronkov says goodbye to each other and to the charming inhabitants of the secondary school in the town of Moordale, who for four years taught us to be ourselves.

Source: Gazeta


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