“The Blue Fields”, a beautiful novel about the rural world with an unforgettable protagonist

Back to the origins as a starting point. The folds of memory fill the intimate map of captive memories and emotions that writing releases. Julia Soria is making her debut at the age of 73, going through some difficulties. “Blue Fields” (publishing album) a place of forgetfulness and renunciation, of learning and discovery. Backlights and shadows. The heroine is a middle-aged woman, where the past grows and the future begins to decline. It’s time to thank and it goes back to yesterday. The sale of his grandparents’ house takes him to a desolate village on the Castilian plateau, a place in Spain full of associations that led him to a childhood trapped in notebooks that he wrote when he was only twelve. The decade of the 60s when the rural world was still developing and resisted the hustle and bustle of modern equipment. Living with her grandparents was an important school where she learned the customs and traditions of nature in a sweaty working environment and in its purest form. It’s tough, too. A landscape in which the essence does not accept carelessness or indifference. The struggle for life. A wise and strong grandmother became the guide of a path of knowledge that provided a legacy that writing expects to leave its mark and meaning.

Landscape as a character to consider. Soria’s prose digs deep into her, shattering her soul, aligning reality and associations with her delicate use of language.. The naked poetry of realism without make-up. The heroine, the daughter of a “difficult and poor” country, “wants to write everything that memory filters, maybe embellish, maybe forget. Said, unspoken; What is hidden from me, what can not be hidden”. Isn’t literature perhaps a way of asking questions that no one can answer anymore?

The novel of loss and discovery, formation and transformation“Blue Fields” overcomes melancholy, suspects pain. Choose the nobility, the splendor of the roots: “It moves me to think that my true identity is out there. I come from that chickpea, that bran, that wheat. The simplicity of a hard life and the effort of some people who have carved something deeper than the hollows of the world”. This is where the big challenge comes in: Preventing a house that holds so many memories from the past from being demolished. Woodworm, debris, scars of time. With early goodbyes, the novel deviates to times of emigration and the school of life if you want to know what the weather will be like the next day: “You have to keep your eyes peeled.” Let’s listen to grandma’s lectures: “Observe calmly, smell the air and see which way the wind is blowing, see what color the sky is when the sun goes down. Any sign matters.” Do you want to learn how to make bread? Grandma will teach you.

The explosion of literature as a window to other worlds (thanks, Tom Sawyer and your friend Huckleberry Finn), an unexpected outburst of inexplicable brutality (which would later support the arrival of first love), death as an unwelcome guest evoking a mystery. Secrets and Lies. Special investigations. Dreams and decisions without going back. “I will learn to be silent and listen to the silence. It will be my refuge.” And write, write, write to “recover all that is really important and maybe that is how I can find myself”. Learn to nest so you can fly. “Blue Fields”, an exuberant beauty novel Masterfully reflecting the echoes of a rural past threatened with death, and examining a woman’s evolution in different times and circumstances with astonishing common sense, the film concludes with a serene, deep and beautiful invitation for the protagonist to claim her life. His grandmother would be proud of him.

Source: Informacion


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