Warriors of Xian: MARQ’s most anticipated exhibition is coming

Talking about six years of negotiations may sound like too much for an exhibition, but its origins date back to BC. the discovery took place in 1974 Due to a farmer’s accidental discovery and lawful, it will be possible to see the largest collection ever to come out of China.

As the head of the State Council reassured, the exhibit of Xian warriors “finally” reached MARQ. Carlos MazonIn his presentation at the Costa Blanca booth in Fitur and this Chinese army will be stationed there From the end of March to January 2024.

it will be nine terracotta soldiers and a horse -quite unusual-, coming Qin shihuang shrine (221-207 BC), Who will be the emperor who unified the lands of China and founded the Qin dynasty will travel to Alicante this piece set goes to Europe for the first time Since a smaller number was shown at Liverpool in 2018.

Declaration UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, These life-size terracotta warriors, who differ in both their facial features and clothing, 120 more items borrowed from a total of 9 museums Asian country will shape the exhibition The warriors of Xian, the legacy of the Qin and Han dynasties.

Image of the Terracotta Warriors in Xian. INFORMATION

Some are original and some are authoritative copies like two bronze chariotsas well as graphic and multimedia materials. it will take a month To go from Xian to Alicante and this will be installed in three temporary rooms of the museum. it will be The last one is the one that will house the terracotta figures in all their glory. jointly

an extraordinary journey

“MARQ will offer youn extraordinary time travel From the Neolithic period to the beginning of the Han dynasty”, the deputy of Culture assured, Julia Parra, in motion. “It will show how they prepared for eternity, as well as the daily life, arts and traditions of more than 2000 years ago.”

An example who is also a vice president Committee See it as a landmark in Alicante and see the city “a unique center of attention with top-quality cultural offerings“.

for him Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture of the Embassy of the Republic of China In Spain, He Yong explained it at the opening at MARQ The Minister of Culture and Tourism of his country will attend, “Beyond the warriors who are the stars, I want to invite people to pay attention to other parts as well. ceremonial bronzes, ceramics, or sculptures of significant archaeological and artistic value”.

He also expressed his gratitude to the Provincial General Assembly for not giving up on this. cultural exchange project and for this tremendous effort and valuable support to bring this exhibition”.

“Hundreds of thousands of people,” he estimated Carlos Mazon They will pass through this exhibition. “With this historic exhibition, which will be the most important exhibition we present in the state of Alicante, together with Discobolo, the city will work for ten months to dress up”.

The museum director also attended the presentation in Madrid. Manuel Olcina; To the director of the MARQ Foundation, Jose Alberto Cortes and its director Chinese Cultural Center in MadridChanging Yang.

an archaeological landmark

Finding More than 6,000 Xian terracotta warriors It is considered one of the main archaeological sites of the 20th century in 1974.

The funeral complex is located near the former imperial capital of Xian, in a rectangular chamber 230 meters long and 62 meters wide. According to research, The mausoleum could take 38 years to buildwith the participation of hundreds of thousands of people. Given the characteristics of each piece, each of the figures seems to respond to a particular person with a variety of costumes, hairstyles, and even ethnic groups.

Archaeologists working on this site, 2010 Prince of Asturias Award.

Source: Informacion


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