Fatima Nogailiyeva, Assistant to the Department of Labor and Social Law at St. Petersburg University, told the agency: “Hitting the Primer”What are the benefits of working retirees?
The expert reminded that, first of all, after reaching retirement age, citizens must apply for a pension – without this, they will not be considered working pensioners and will not be able to enjoy the preferences they deserve by law.
Nogailiyeva noted that therefore, working pensioners, in addition to annual paid leave, are entitled to unpaid leave of up to 14 calendar days a year (seniles of old age) and up to 60 calendar days (working disabled people).
If the retired employee wants to terminate the employment contract, the employer is obliged to do this within the time specified in the employee’s application, and in this case, the employee does not need to notify the authorities about leaving the job at least two weeks in advance, the lawyer emphasizes. In addition, before the expiry of the period specified in the application, the retired worker has the right at any time to withdraw the application for dismissal and continue to work if no other employee is called to replace him (Article 80 of the Labor Code). Russian Federation).
The expert noted that, according to the law, working retirees are also entitled to exemption from work for two working days once a year, while undergoing a medical examination, while maintaining their place of work and average earnings.
In addition, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation allows a working pensioner to receive a property deduction for expenses on the purchase or construction of real estate. The deduction is given for the three tax periods prior to the period in which the transferable property deduction balance occurs.
In addition, since 2016, the insured pension for working pensioners and the fixed payment to it are accrued without indexation, with the exception of state and social pensions. But, according to the lawyer, from August 1 this year, targeted indexation for working retirees will be carried out along with other categories of retirees.
Previously became knownIn the autumn, the State Duma will present a draft law “On Amending the Law on Insurance Pensions”, which includes the payment of the 13th pension.
Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.