In Old Moscow (except Zelenograd) 44 thousand secondary flats and apartments are sold in 120 districts. The average price per square meter is 479.7 thousand rubles. At the same time, according to the results of a study provided by the Metrium company to, there are areas in the metropolis where one “square” of secondary real estate will cost two to three times more.
Among Moscow districts, Khamovniki is the leader in terms of average price per square meter of secondary housing with an indicator of 1.45 million rubles. This is where the three most expensive apartments in the capital’s secondary market are located: the most expensive is sold for 4.3 billion rubles. (for 530 m2). As Metrium notes, Khamovniki includes Ostozhenka and its magnificent embankments, the “golden mile” with the maximum concentration of expensive houses in Russia, so the region remains the clear leader in housing costs.
It ranks second in terms of average square meter price. Secondary housing is m Arbat – 1.13 million rubles. The most expensive apartment on the Arbat secondary market is sold for 1 billion rubles. (for 343 m2). Almost no new housing is built on Arbat, but secondary housing is popular. Especially liquid assets (can be sold easily and quickly – These are historical mansions on cozy side streets.
Yakimanka ranks third with 949.9 thousand rubles. per square. The maximum cost of secondary housing in this location is 1.8 billion rubles. (for 493 m2). The research report emphasizes that Yakimanka was initially a low-rise commercial district, but its contours have changed thanks to modern projects with innovative architecture. Metrium experts stated that there is demand for both reconstruction projects and new buildings in this region.
In fourth place is the Presnensky district with 871.8 thousand rubles. per square meter The cost of the most expensive apartment here is 3.8 billion rubles. (for 950 m2). Tverskoy district closes the top 5 with a price of 863.5 thousand rubles per square meter.
The study was conducted in January.
Russians before warned It’s about the increase in apartment prices.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta

Ben Stock is a business analyst and writer for “Social Bites”. He offers insightful articles on the latest business news and developments, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the business world.