One of the biggest fears of used car buyers is bad mileage. This is evidenced by the results of a survey on the FRESH market, the results of which I read. “”.
“In fact, it is not so easy to distinguish a mileage of 138 thousand kilometers from a mileage of 212 thousand kilometers based on indirect signs such as wear on the pedal pads. Moreover, if the linings are prudently replaced before sale,” experts admitted.
Also, second-hand car buyers fear that people will try to sell them a wrecked car or a car that has been restored after a serious accident. Such cars have to be scrapped, but they are often offered for resale.
Other fears include “broken” license plates, previous owner debts, the car being bank guaranteed or being involved in a legal dispute.
to Russia in October brought A record number of new passenger cars were produced in 12 years. Imports reached 112 thousand vehicles.
existed before named Timing of experiment on labeling auto parts.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Ben Stock is a business analyst and writer for “Social Bites”. He offers insightful articles on the latest business news and developments, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the business world.