Most often, credit cards in Russia are issued to young men living in cities with a population of over one million. The portrait of the debtor is described in the financial market research, the results of which were reviewed by
“It is believed that residents of big cities use credit cards more often. This may be associated with higher financial literacy. Another factor is the consumer model that is typical for the population of megacities, where a credit card is seen as a tool not only for large purchases, but also for everyday expenses, says Anton Sergunov,’s director of debit card development.
The average age of a resident handling a credit card was 35. The share of men in total credit card opening applications was 54 percent and the share of women was 46 percent.
The most important parameter when opening a credit card is the interest rate. Card maintenance cost comes second. The average credit limit required in these cities is 138 thousand rubles.
Russian banks started their operations border Citizens give loans due to inflation. They also stopped issuing customers more than one credit card per person.
Previously expert explainedHow to avoid debt when using a credit card?
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Source: Gazeta
Ben Stock is a business analyst and writer for “Social Bites”. He offers insightful articles on the latest business news and developments, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the business world.