Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov and DOM.RF CEO Vitaly Mutko, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) signed an agreement on the joint launch of a mortgage market. According to the press service of the regional head, the project is expected to be ready by the end of this year.
“Buying an apartment in the metropolitan area is a dream and a goal for many people. Our task is to make sure that, firstly, more comfortable and modern housing is built in the Moscow region, and secondly, affordable. Square meter demand remains strong thanks to the President’s Preferred Mortgage Program and our regional support measures. “Today it is important to keep the price balance under the pressure of external factors and at the same time continue to create even more attractive and affordable conditions for buyers,” said Andrey Vorobyov.
The operator of the combined mortgage program, which will be launched in the Moscow region, will be DOM.RF. The project is planned to be implemented on the basis of the Unified Information System for Housing Construction with the “single window” principle. By submitting documents for participation in the program on the portal of the Moscow Region State Services and receiving approval of the regional support right, citizens will be able to electronically choose the housing they want, calculate the loan terms and apply at the selected participating bank without leaving a Home.
“A single regional mortgage is an effective tool for targeted support of citizens. Its main advantage is the expansion of opportunities to improve housing conditions with the help of concessional loans. “We are pleased to join our efforts to improve the quality of life of people with the Moscow Region, one of the leaders in housing construction,” said Vitaly Mutko, Director General of DOM.RF.
In total, on the last day of the forum, the Moscow Region signed almost two dozen agreements. The press service of the governor’s office states that these are hundreds of new jobs and billions of rubles of investment in the regional economy.
Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.