The emphasized control engine indicator in the car means that the electronic motor control system discovers certain problems. Rolf Service Director Julia Trushkova spoke about the most common of
“The most common causes of the control motor process include the failure of the oxygen sensor. It is responsible for monitoring the oxygen level in exhaust gases. If the sensor fails, the engine starts to work less effectively and fuel consumption increases. ”
To solve the problem, you need to change the sensor.
The second frequent problem is associated with a catalyst with an element that reduces harmful emissions of the exhaust system. If it is blocked or fails, this leads to loss of motor power and an increase in fuel consumption.
The third problem is a failure of the mass air flow sensor. If it works incorrectly, it causes the engine to work unstable. To solve the problem, he said you should check the sensor and change if necessary.
“There are still problems with the fuel system. This can lead to the engine to work with cuts or not to work at all. Tr Trushkova explained.
The expert added that the control engine may burn due to the leakage of the fuel system or ignition transitions.
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Source: Gazeta

Anika Rood is an author at “Social Bites”. She is an automobile enthusiast who writes about the latest developments and news in the automobile industry. With a deep understanding of the latest technologies and a passion for writing, Anika provides insightful and engaging articles that keep her readers informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings in the world of automobiles.