A passenger attacked the conductor on bus number 41 near Volskaya Street in Samara. about this reports Telegram channel “PE Samara”.
An eyewitness recorded the incident on camera. In the footage, the passenger can be seen shouting at the conductor, then asking the bus driver to open the doors and asking the conductor to get out. The man ignores the passenger’s request and hits the Samaritan transportation worker three times. After this, the conductor begins beating the Samaritan and other passengers begin to move away from the conflicted ones. As a result of the fight, the conductor pushes the man to the ground and starts kicking him.
According to the author, a transport employee apparently asked a Samara resident to pay the fare, whereupon the passenger began insulting the conductor and beating him.
Previously St. It was reported that the chief and controller were in St. Petersburg. to beat The man threw him off the bus. The passenger, who had bruises on his shoulder and knee, took photos of the beating and wants those responsible to be punished.
A block of ice before hit Windshield of a heavy truck in the Amur region.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta

Anika Rood is an author at “Social Bites”. She is an automobile enthusiast who writes about the latest developments and news in the automobile industry. With a deep understanding of the latest technologies and a passion for writing, Anika provides insightful and engaging articles that keep her readers informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings in the world of automobiles.