In Rostov-on-Don, unidentified assailants set fire to the Peugeot 207 driven by a colonel of the Russian Armed Forces. about this reports Telegram channel “What’s in Rostov?”
The fire occurred the previous night in the courtyard of a house on Taganrog Street.
“According to eyewitnesses, the car was being used by the deputy commander of the Southern Military District for physical training. Fortunately, no one was injured as a result of the arson,” the publication states.
While no one was injured as a result of the fire, the car suffered major damage. In the published photo, it can be seen that the car was completely engulfed in flames. While the identity of the attacker has been determined, the police are continuing the investigation.
Before that there was a bus in Moscow compressed Three people, including a child, were injured in the taxi with passengers.
Four children before suffered Accident involving bus and minibus in Altay.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta

Anika Rood is an author at “Social Bites”. She is an automobile enthusiast who writes about the latest developments and news in the automobile industry. With a deep understanding of the latest technologies and a passion for writing, Anika provides insightful and engaging articles that keep her readers informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings in the world of automobiles.