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Putin updated the group’s structure to keep the memory of victims of political repression alive 21:19

Russian President Vladimir Putin made changes to the structure of the working group that coordinates activities to implement the concept of state policy to preserve the memory of victims...

A German MP hid the “Tsybulka Bel” business in Belarus from the authorities 22:26

German Alternative (AfD) MP Jörg Dornau faces a fine for concealing his work in Belarus. Photograph It retells the story that Die Welt investigated. Dornau has been registered as the...

A man in Perm raped his seven-year-old stepdaughter and was sentenced to 22 years in prison 21:58

A Perm resident abused his wife's little daughter. This was reported by control RF IC by region. The incident took place in the industrial area of ​​the city. ...